Always Mobile

Always Mobile

Mobile Service for Morinville

Call Centre:
Mon - Thurs 7:30am - 5:30pm
Fri 7:30am - 5:00pm
Sat 9:00am - 3:00pm

Morinville's Closest Locksmith Service Shop is in
Edmonton at 17812 118 Ave NW

Store Hours: Mon - Thurs 7:30am - 5:30pm
Fri 7:30am - 5:00pm   Sat 9:00am - 3:00pm

Door Surgeon locksmith repairman Morinville

Door Surgeon Locksmith Shop Store Service Centre Morinville

Locksmith Parts & Service Shop, Locksmith Store Service Centre

3 conveniently located locksmith repair shops meet your locksmith grade parts & service needs.

3 conveniently located locksmith repair shops to meet your locksmith grade parts & locksmith service needs.

Locksmith counter lock repair & lock part experts provide a number of locksmith grade repair options

Locksmith service counter lock repair & lock part experts can provide you with a number of locksmith grade repair options & in-store replacement lock parts.

A wide variety of handle & lock repair parts & repair services are available at 3 Locksmith Shops

A wide variety of handle repair parts, lock repair parts & lock repair services are available at our 3 Locksmith Shops.

Police security check Morinville. Trained technicians Morinville. Business license Morinville. Safety training Morinville.
Liability insurance Morinville. Vehicle insurance Morinville. Thirty years of service Morinville.

Associated locksmiths of america logo. Professional locksmiths association of Alberta. Petroleum oriented safety training Morinville. International door association logo Morinville.

Locksmith Shop Store Service Centre Serving Morinville

Door Surgeon locksmith shop store service centre has trained service counter personnel to help repair, adjust or recommend replacement hardware for home or business applications.

Locksmith service centre by Door Surgeon is equipped with the latest tools to be able to help with your in-shop locksmith service of keys, locks, safes and hardware repair and replacement needs.

Locksmith Shop Sales & Service

You're invited to visit Door Surgeon's locksmith shop sales and service centre. Our locksmith shop has been designed to provide the services that you may require to repair or replace hardware. The locksmith service counter staff can access a variety of handles, deadbolts and commercial door hardware with the use of our locksmith parts shop inventory program. You will find, upon visiting our locksmith shop store, a large variety of displays as well as parts catalogues that our locksmith store service personnel can review to find the appropriate replacment or repair item to match your needs. Door Surgeon has 3 conveniently located locksmith shops. Our main locksmith shop is located in northwest area of Edmonton while another Edmonton locksmith shop is located in the southeast area of Edmonton. Door Surgeon also has constructed and inventoried a Calgary locksmith shop in Calgary.

All our locksmith shop staff receive extensive locksmith, door and garage door training. It's our hope that your visit to one of Door Surgeon's locksmith shops will result in you finding the professional locksmith shop service and locksmith grade replacement parts you need.

mobile serviceman and truck Morinville

Door Surgeon Edmonton Locksmith Shop Service Centre

Door Surgeon Edmonton Service Centre: 17812 118 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, T5S2W3

Store Location Directions:

We are located North of 100 Avenue, south of the Yellowhead Freeway, west of 142th Street, east of the Anthony Henday, on the northwest corner of 118 ave. and 178 st. @ 17812 118 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, T5S2W3 We are easy to find by driving on 118 ave to the corner of 178 St & 118 Ave.

17812 118 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, T5S2W3

Door Surgeon locksmith shop store service centre Edmonton.

17812 118 Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, T5S2W3

Door Surgeon's Locksmith Shop Provides a Wide Range of Products and Services

locksmith service centre key cutting and copying Morinville.

Locksmith Store Service can Program Your Keys While You Wait

locksmith service centre carries most automotive key and remote replacements Morinville.

Door Surgeon's Service Counter can Fix Locks

Door Surgeon locksmith shops make keys and fixt locks too. Vist one of 3 locations today Morinville.

You're Invited! Visit Door Surgeon's Locksmith Shop Store Service Centre

You'll find convenient parking, professional in-store service & large showroom product displays.

Door Surgeon's Locksmith Store Can Provide Professional Locksmith Consultation

Door Surgeon Locksmith shop and service centre precise tools and equipment Morinville.
Door Surgeon locksmith shop in-store parts and service. Handles and deadbolts for every door Morinville.
Door Surgeon locksmith shop for lock rekeys, masterkey systems for home or business Morinville.

Door Surgeon's Locksmith Store will Maintain your Security Key File

Door Surgeon locksmith shop carrying Mu-T-Lock security keys and deadbolts high security keys Morinville.
Door Surgeon locksmith shop for door replacement and repair needs. Door reinforcements, adjustments Morinville.

Door Surgeon In-Store Displays and locksmith Consultations

Door Surgeon locksmith shop mobile repair and installation for storm doors. Supplied and installed Morinville.

Door Surgeon locksmith store - Storm doors Sales and Installations

Our Service Centre Stores Carry a Large Variety of Door Hardware

Door Surgeon locksmith shop for automatic door repair replacement or adjustments Morinville.

Door Surgeon Locksmith Service Centre in-store parts and consultations for automatic door replacement, adjustment or repairs.

Door Surgeon locksmith shop carry recreational and industrial locks for all equipment Morinville.

Door Surgeon locksmith store carry a variety of locks and products to secure your recreational or industrial vehicles and equipment.

Door Surgeon locksmith shops carry 100s of quality padlocks for all weather conditions and uses Morinville.

Door Surgeon's Locksmith Store has a Large Variety of Products to Meet Your locking Needs.

Door Surgeon locksmith shops have locks for sea cans, work trailers, fences, gates and bikes Morinville.

Door Surgeon's locksmith shop service centres have a large variety of Locksmith tools, parts and items to meet your Locksmith needs.

Door Surgeon Locksmith shop large variety of in-store products and solutions Morinville.

Shop Door Surgeon's Large Variety of In-Store Products


Sometimes Things Happen

No one likes it when things go wrong, no one more than us, but if it does check out our Warranty

Affiliations & Memberships:

Lock Surgeon logo Bee Cool Glass Coating company logo. Door Surgeon BBB Business Review
Member of the Associated Locksmiths of America. Member of the Professional Locksmiths Association of Alberta. Member of the Petroleum Oriented Safety Training. Member of the Alberta Association of Safety Partnerships.