Residential Home Door Adjustment & Repair
Mobile door repair service at your home
Often home doors need basic door repair and door adjustments. Buildings can shift, construction methods may have failed, heavy use of home doors and or doors of age can become worn out and need door adjustment. Door Surgeon's mobile residential home door adjustment & repair servicemen are well equipped with tools and hardware on their mobile door service trucks that can often correct and or adjust doors on the first visit. Whether it's the door to your front entry, back entry door, garage door entry or garden door off to a patio, Door Surgeon has the experienced door servicemen that can make the needed residential door adjustment or repair quickly and efficiently.

Residential entry door repair & Adjustment Services
Door Surgeon mobile door service repairmen come to your site with the hardware and knowledge to make the door adjustments you require. Door Surgeon truck, tools and inventory are organized to provide fast, professional door repair and door adjustment services. All Door Surgeon door servicemen have police security clearance, liability insurance, vehicle insurance and WCB coverage. Safe, prompt service to get your broken door operating properly is a priority to you and to Door Surgeon's door service providers. If you need expert door repair you need Door Surgeon's superior door service providers.
Home Door Adjustment Service & Replacement

Yes Door Surgeon repair and replace doors and hardware
Buildings shift and entry doors are left with deadbolts or handles that don't latch, doors that are out of square and doors that don't function properly. Door Surgeon's door handymen can provide the expertise to square your door, replace door hinges & replace door handles. Your door may be rubbing at the top, side or bottom - Door Surgeon door serviceman can adjust the opening or trim the door as needed to make your door once again work properly.
Patio Doors & Garden Doors Repairs & Adjustments

Glass Garden Door Repair & Adjustments

Sliding Patio Doors - Parts and service are often required for these unique door openings
If it's door or door hardware, Door Surgeon is ready to help repair or replace any broken part. Often garden doors need to be adjusted to ensure doors latch and close properly. At times patio door handles malfunction, break or become worn out, door rollers become misaligned and need adjustment. Door Surgeon's mobile home door ajustment and repair serviceman can fix or replace those broken door handles and/or misaligned door rollers.
Always Mobile - Always Available - Mobile door repair and adjustment service

Home, Apartment, Hotel, Motel and Residential doors are all part of the family of doors that can be adjusted and repaired
If it's door adjustment and repair it has to be Door Surgeon's team of door experts. Building codes have often changed in the last 80yrs. Replacement doors are custom built to match your building wall thickness, door frame width and door height requirements. Today's common door replacment would be a steel insulated door that offers superior insulation. These doors come in a variety of door styles, sizes and window configurations.
Door Surgeon has the door repair expertise and experience
Ongoing on-site training, video training and door school training make our door technicians a superior choice in door repair, door adjustment or door replacement. All our Door Surgeon door repair and adjustment servicemen also attend a locksmith training course, supervised by in-store local management. Door Surgeon's mobile door servicemen are also supported with years of team experience and knowledge.
Full WCB coverage, liability insurance, vehicle insurance and business license.
DOOR SURGEON: mobile home door repair and adjustment service
TESTED TOUGH: Door Surgeon's mobile service trucks stock a variety of door replacement and adjustment hardware.
RAIN OR SNOW: Door Surgeon's house door repair and adjustment serviceman will come to your entry door to make repairs or adjust doors as needed.
DAY OR NIGHT: weekends and after hours, Door Surgeon is the man door company to call. Door Surgeon's mobile door repair staff can fix, adjust or replace house doors, apartment doors and office doors. Door Surgeon also does garden and patio door repairs, fixes and adjustments.
DOOR SURGEON BRINGS MOBILE HOME DOOR: repair trucks right to your door to fix, adjust and replace house doors. Front entry doors, back doors, and garage man-doors are all part of what Door Surgeon's mobile door repair handymen, fix or replace.
Click Yellow Links Below for Detailed Information
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Sometimes Things Happen
No one likes it when things go wrong, no one more than us, but if it does check out our Warranty